7 research outputs found

    Studies in incoercible and adaptively secure computation

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    Despite being a relatively young field, cryptography taught us how to perform seemingly-impossible tasks, which now became part of our everyday life. One of them is secure multiparty computation (MPC), which allows mutually distrustful parties to jointly perform a computation on their private inputs, so that each party only learns its prescribed output, but nothing else. In this work we deal with two longstanding challenges of MPC: adaptive security and deniability (or, incoercibility). A protocol is said to be adaptively secure, if it still guarantees security for the remaining honest parties, even if some parties turn dishonest during the execution of the protocol, or even after the execution. (In contrast, statically secure protocols give security guarantees only when the set of dishonest parties is fixed before the execution starts.) While adaptive security threat model is often more realistic than the static one, there is a huge gap between efficiency of statically and adaptively secure protocols: adaptively secure protocols often require more complicated constructions, stronger assumptions, and more rounds of interaction. We improve in efficiency over the state of the art in adaptive security for a number of settings, including the first adaptively secure MPC protocol in constant number of rounds, under assumptions comparable to those of static protocols (previously known protocols required as many rounds of interaction as the depth of the circuit being computed). The second challenge we deal with is providing resilience in the situation where an external coercer demands that participants disclose their private inputs and all their secret keys - e.g. via threats, bribe, or court order. Deniable (or, incoercible) protocols allow coerced participants to convincingly lie about their inputs and secret keys, thereby still maintaining their privacy. While the concept was proposed more than twenty years ago, to date secure protocols withstanding coercion of all participants were not known, even for the simple case of encryption. We present the first construction of such an encryption scheme, and then show how to combine it with adaptively secure protocols to obtain the first incoercible MPC which withstands coercion of all parties

    SANNS: Scaling Up Secure Approximate k-Nearest Neighbors Search

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    The kk-Nearest Neighbor Search (kk-NNS) is the backbone of several cloud-based services such as recommender systems, face recognition, and database search on text and images. In these services, the client sends the query to the cloud server and receives the response in which case the query and response are revealed to the service provider. Such data disclosures are unacceptable in several scenarios due to the sensitivity of data and/or privacy laws. In this paper, we introduce SANNS, a system for secure kk-NNS that keeps client's query and the search result confidential. SANNS comprises two protocols: an optimized linear scan and a protocol based on a novel sublinear time clustering-based algorithm. We prove the security of both protocols in the standard semi-honest model. The protocols are built upon several state-of-the-art cryptographic primitives such as lattice-based additively homomorphic encryption, distributed oblivious RAM, and garbled circuits. We provide several contributions to each of these primitives which are applicable to other secure computation tasks. Both of our protocols rely on a new circuit for the approximate top-kk selection from nn numbers that is built from O(n+k2)O(n + k^2) comparators. We have implemented our proposed system and performed extensive experimental results on four datasets in two different computation environments, demonstrating more than 18−31×18-31\times faster response time compared to optimally implemented protocols from the prior work. Moreover, SANNS is the first work that scales to the database of 10 million entries, pushing the limit by more than two orders of magnitude.Comment: 18 pages, to appear at USENIX Security Symposium 202

    Optimal-Rate Non-Committing Encryption in a CRS Model

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    Non-committing encryption (NCE) implements secure channels under adaptive corruptions in situations when data erasures are not trustworthy. In this paper we are interested in the rate of NCE, i.e. in how many bits the sender and receiver need to send per plaintext bit. In initial constructions (e.g. Canetti, Feige, Goldreich and Naor, STOC 96) the length of both the receiver message, namely the public key, and the sender message, namely the ciphertext, is m * poly(k) for an m-bit message, where k is the security parameter. Subsequent works improve efficiency significantly, achieving rate polylog(k). We construct the first constant-rate NCE. In fact, our scheme has rate 1+o(1), which is comparable to the rate of plain semantically secure encryption. Our scheme operates in the common reference string (CRS) model. Our CRS has size poly(m, k), but it is reusable for an arbitrary polynomial number of m-bit messages. In addition, it is the first NCE protocol with perfect correctness. We assume one way functions and indistinguishability obfuscation for circuits. As an essential step in our construction, we develop a technique for dealing with adversaries that modify the inputs to the protocol adaptively depending on a public key or CRS that contains obfuscated programs, while assuming only standard (polynomial) hardness of the obfuscation mechanism. This technique may well be useful elsewhere

    Equivocating Yao: Constant-Round Adaptively Secure Multiparty Computation in the Plain Model

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    Yao\u27s garbling scheme is one of the basic building blocks of cryptographic protocol design. Originally designed to enable two-message, two-party secure computation, the scheme has been extended in many ways and has innumerable applications. Still, a basic question has remained open throughout the years: Can the scheme be extended to guarantee security in the face of an adversary that corrupts both parties, adaptively, as the computation proceeds? We answer this question in the affirmative. We define a new type of encryption, called {\sf functionally equivocal encryption (FEE),} and show that when Yao\u27s scheme is implemented with an FEE as the underlying encryption mechanism, it becomes secure against such adaptive adversaries. We then show how to implement FEE from any one way function. Combining our scheme with non-committing encryption, we obtain the first two-message, two-party computation protocol, and the first constant-round multiparty computation protocol, in the plain model, that are secure against semi-honest adversaries who can adaptively corrupt all parties. A number of extensions and applications are described within

    Best of Both Worlds: Revisiting the Spymasters Double Agent Problem

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    This work introduces the notion of secure multiparty computation: MPC with fall-back security. Fall-back security for an nn-party protocol is defined with respect to an adversary structure Z\mathcal{Z} wherein security is guaranteed in the presence of both a computationally unbounded adversary with adversary structure Z\mathcal{Z}, and a computationally bounded adversary corrupting an arbitrarily large subset of the parties. This notion was considered in the work of Chaum (Crypto 89) via the Spymaster\u27s double agent problem where he showed a semi-honest secure protocol for the honest majority adversary structure. Our first main result is a compiler that can transform any nn-party protocol that is semi-honestly secure with statistical security tolerating an adversary structure Z\mathcal{Z} to one that (additionally) provides semi-honest fall-back security w.r.t Z\mathcal{Z}. The resulting protocol has optimal round complexity, up to a constant factor, and is optimal in assumptions and the adversary structure. Our second result fully characterizes when malicious fall-back security is feasible. More precisely, we show that malicious fallback secure protocol w.r.t Z\mathcal{Z} exists if and only if Z\mathcal{Z} admits unconditional MPC against a semi-honest adversary (namely, iff Z∈Q2\mathcal{Z} \in \mathcal{Q}^2)

    COA-Secure Obfuscation and Applications

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    We put forth a new paradigm for program obfuscation, where obfuscated programs are endowed with proofs of ``well-formedness.\u27\u27 In addition to asserting existence of an underlying plaintext program with an attested structure and functionality, these proofs also prevent mauling attacks, whereby an adversary surreptitiously creates an obfuscated program based on secrets which are embedded in a given obfuscated program. We call this new guarantee Chosen Obfuscation Attack (COA) security. We define and construct general-purpose COA-secure Probabilistic Indistinguishability Obfuscators for circuits, assuming sub-exponential IO for circuits and CCA commitments. To demonstrate the power of the new notion, we use it to realize, in the plain model: - Structural Watermarking, which is a new form of software watermarking that provides significantly broader protection than current schemes and features a keyless, public verification process. - Completely CCA encryption, which is a strengthening of completely non-malleable encryption. We also show, based on the same assumptions, a generic method for enhancing any obfuscation mechanism that guarantees any semantic-style form of hiding to one that provides also COA security

    Adaptively Secure Two-Party Computation from Indistinguishability Obfuscation

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    © International Association for Cryptologic Research 2015. We present the first two-round, two-party general function evaluation protocol that is secure against honest-but-curious adaptive corruption of both parties. In addition, the protocol is incoercible for one of the parties, and fully leakage tolerant. It requires a global (nonprogrammable) reference string and is based on one way functions and general-purpose indistinguishability obfuscation with sub-exponential security, as well as augmented non-committing encryption. A Byzantine version of the protocol, obtained by applying the Canetti et al. [STOC 02] compiler, achieves UC security with comparable efficiency parameters, but is no longer incoercible.1